Author Archives: honduras

URGENT ACTION: New Proposed Mining Law in Honduras (English & Spanish)

Please see the Urgent Action request below (and attached sample letters below) from Pedro Landa of CEHPRODEC, who along with other groups (including the Environmental Committee of the Siria Valley, who has been fighting against the activities of Goldcorp for years and who’s leaders have visited Canada a number of times regarding this issue), are closely monitoring and strongly oppose the new proposed Mining Law.

The Banana Coast project and the Expulsion of Garífuna from the Bay of Trujillo (OFRANEH)

OFRANEH (Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras) has recently posted this 11min video with interviews with community leaders and residents sharing their analysis and opinion about Canadian investors moving in on their territory and national and international plans for a Model City in Trujillo Bay, without any consultation.