Author Archives: admin

Action Alert: Write Congress TODAY!

Haiti needs your help TODAY.Rep.Waters (D-CA), Rep. Bachus (R-AL), Rep. Frank (D-MA), Rep. Alcee L.Hastings (D-FL), and Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) are circulating a “DearColleague Letter” asking World Bank President Robert B. Zoellick to grant complete debt cancellation to Haiti and suspend immediately all further debt service payments from Haiti.

Change Haiti Can Believe In

Tuesday night at the JFK Presidential Library in Boston, MA, Paul Farmer, co-founder of Partners In Health; actor and activist Matt Damon, who recently visited Haiti to assist victims devastated by hurricanes; Massachusetts State Representative and Haitian-American Linda Dorcena Forry; and Brian Concannon, Jr., director of the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti, shared their stories of eradicating disease and injustice in one of the world’s poorest nations, and discussed how changes in U.S.

Civil Society Organizations Ask President-Elect Obama to Re-negotiate NAFTA

Dear President Elect Barack Obama,                                       January 5, 2008We wish to congratulate you on your recent electoral victory.Throughout the electoral campaign we, the undersigned, followed with great interest your repeated commitments to fair trade and the renegotiation of poorly designed trade agreements like the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). read more

HSA Bulletin December 16th, 2008

1.  Declaration of Bahia, Brazil proposes solutions to world crises2. Letter to Ortega requests clarification of position on trade agreements with the European Union3. Army assassinates the husband of Aida Quilcue, Consejera Mayor of the Indigenous Resguardo of Cauca4. IIRSA meeting concludes in Cartagena with a lack of transparency5. Social Organizations in Argentina march under the banner, "Hunger is a Crime"6. Bank of America announces massive layoffs

HSA Bulletin December 10, 2008

1. Financial and environmental crises:  Principal goals of the World Social Forum in Belem, Brazil2. ECUARUNARI calls for December 10th mobilizations against the Ecuadoran Debt3. President Lugo wants to review the external debt which Paraguay has with Brazil4. Colombia will be examined by the UN on International Human Rights Day5. Workers occupy factory in Chicago6. National meeting in Brazil to debate prostitution and violence against women7. Final report regarding the massacre in Pando, Bolivia given to Evo Morales

HSA Bulletin December 3, 2008

1.  Summit of the Peoples in Bahia called for Latin America and the Caribbean. 2.  Countries of the ALBA propose the Sucre (as a new currency) to confront the financial crisis.3.  The opposition in Canada accuses Harper of complicity with Uribe for signing the FTA4.  Women speak about the impacts of the financial crisis5.  President

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