Honduras Accompaniment Project

Honduras Accompaniment Project works to accompany the nonviolent social movement in Honduras in the face of the repression begun by the coup.

Help Spread the Truth about Honduras

We write at this moment to ask for your help. Those who struggle in defense of human rights in Honduras, already shaken by months of relentless violence, are now reeling from the recent murders of two prominent human rights lawyers.

November Delegation to Honduras – Friendship Office and Witness for Peace

COFADEH URGENT ACTION: Detainees at risk. Incomunicado/in custody of subordinates of el Tigre Bonilla

COFADEH Committee of the Relatives of the Detained Disappeared in Honduras PERSONAL SAFETY OF DETAINEES AT RISK: CAMPESINOS ARRESTED AFTER PROTEST VIOLENTLY CRUSHED ARE BEING HELD INCOMMUNICADO BY TIGRE BONILLA´S SUBORDINATES The physical safety of Aguan campesinos, arrested when their protest was violently crushed, is under at risk.  They are being held incommunicado in Metropolitan

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