Friendship Office of the Americas

The Friendship Office of the Americas is a social justice organization that fosters solidarity between the peoples of Nicaragua, Honduras and the United States and pursues polices of peace and friendship.

April 28th – Celebrate Ben and the Re-Inauguration of the Casa Ben Linder

On Saturday April 28th the Casa Ben Linder will host a celebration of Ben’s life on the 31st anniversary of his assassination, Re-Inaugurate the Casa Ben Linder and celebrate its new life under the leadership of friends at Jubilee House Community. Gather at 3:30 at the Casa Ben Linder: Teatro Guachilpilin will kick off the event with “Bajo Cielo Sobre Mar” – a show with puppets, actors and jugglers! Guitarist Pablo Suazo will provide a musica testimonial Paul Baker Hernandez and Guitarra de Madera Azul will singAll afternoon evening: Tour the CBL remodel in-process Tour the murals Enjoy tasty food and drinks Shop at Esperanza en Accion’s fair trade shop Visit with old friends and meet new ones Come, celebrate, and share new life at the CBL! You can see more on this Facebook page,

U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights issues "Report on Human Rights Violations in the Context of the 2017 elections in Honduras"

U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights issues “Report on Human Rights Violations in the Context of the 2017 elections in Honduras”. This report underscores the findings of the two reports compiled by COFADEH in the midst of the crisis and the findings of other human rights organizations in Honduras. To see the full report –…

Emergency Religious Delegation to Honduras – Full Report

In January 2018, 50 Religious Leaders participated in an Emergency Delegation to Honduras in response requests for international presence in the context of the post electoral crisis. Eight religious denominations were represented by the 40+ faith groups and human rights organizations that sent delegates from 13 states in the U.S. Please download the delegations Full Report and share with your members of Congress.

Emergency Religous Delegation to Honduras – Summary Report

In January 2018, 50 Religious Leaders participated in an Emergency Delegation to Honduras in response requests for international presence in the context of the post electoral crisis. Eight religious denominations were represented by the 40+ faith groups and human rights organizations that sent delegates from 13 states in the U.S. Please download the delegations Executive Summary Report and share with your members of Congress.

Emergency Ecumenical Delegation bears witness to repression and human rights crisis in Honduras

An Emergency Ecumenical Delegation including religious leaders representing 8 denominations from the United States and Canada traveled to Honduras from January 24 -30, 2018. The emergency delegation was organized in response to a call from Fr. Melo, SJ of Radio Progreso, to the international community to bear witness to the post-electoral crisis in Honduras.The delegation was received in San Pedro Sula by representatives from Honduran communities who held a vigil in the airport lobby to commemorate those killed in the post electoral violence to date. During their week stay, the delegation heard testimony from victims and family members of state sponsored repression, witnessed repression of peaceful demonstrations by U.S. funded Honduran state security forces, participated in a Way of the Cross, a candlelight vigil in front of the U.S. Embassy in Tegucigalpa and met with the U.S. Embassy Chargé d’Affaires, Heidi Fulton, to present the delegations concerns regarding U.S. policy, the human rights crisis and rupture of democratic process.Press coverage of the delegation:…………