Friendship Office of the Americas

The Friendship Office of the Americas is a social justice organization that fosters solidarity between the peoples of Nicaragua, Honduras and the United States and pursues polices of peace and friendship.

The Banana Coast project and the Expulsion of Garífuna from the Bay of Trujillo (OFRANEH)

OFRANEH (Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras) has recently posted this 11min video with interviews with community leaders and residents sharing their analysis and opinion about Canadian investors moving in on their territory and national and international plans for a Model City in Trujillo Bay, without any consultation.

Costa Rica builds road along Rio San Juan causing massive environmental damage

 John Perry /15th December 2011– Costa Rica is renowned for its excellent environmental record, but with the construction of a 150km road beside the San Juan river it appears to be going against that reputation by causing enormous damage to the environment.  See entire story –

*John Perry lives in Nicaragua and writes about Central America.

Congressman Berman asks if US is "feeding the monster" in Honduras

Congressman Howard Berman released a strongly worded letter to Hillary Clinton, in which he expresses his concern about the human rights situation in Honduras.  The letter goes into great detail regarding the involvement of Honduran security forces in killings, torture and other crimes and states that it is necessary "to evaluate immediately United States assistance to ensure that we are not, in fact, feeding the beast."  Please see the attached letter.