Friendship Office of the Americas

The Friendship Office of the Americas is a social justice organization that fosters solidarity between the peoples of Nicaragua, Honduras and the United States and pursues polices of peace and friendship.

COFADEH Exposes Systematic Attacks on Human Rights Defenders

NEW DEADLINE: Next Human Rights Accompaniment Training for new volunteers, June 2012 in Atlantic Canada

PLEASE NOTE: PROAH accepts applications on an ongoing basis from individuals who have been trained for human rights accompaniment in the recent past with organizations familiar to PROAH who have extensive experience in accompaniment work in a comparable context and fulfill the rest of the requirements mentioned above and in this PDF.

Nobel Peace Laureates call for concerted action to protect frontlines human rights defenders

An independent fact-finding mission of women Nobel Peace Laureates visiting the "northern triangle – Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras" declared that “violence against women—including murder, rape and forced disappearances—has reached a crisis point in the region.”  They called for “concerted and immediate action to protect women—including those women doing frontline human rights work.”  They link this crisis to militarization and U.S.