Friendship Office of the Americas

The Friendship Office of the Americas is a social justice organization that fosters solidarity between the peoples of Nicaragua, Honduras and the United States and pursues polices of peace and friendship.

FRAPH Victims Speak Out on Constant

The following is from The Associated Press – On the title: perhaps a minor point – but victims are looking for U.S. courts to prosecute Constant and put him in jail – not looking to the U.S. for “justice.” The U.S. government was intimately involved with Constant. In Haiti, victims of ex-paramilitary look to U.S. for justiceThursday, May 24, 2007PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti: Malya Villard was laying in bed when masked killers from the hated FRAPH paramilitary group kicked down her door and gang-raped her. Fifteen years later, Villard is still looking for justice.

More Trees in Gros Morne

The main tree nursery for the reforestation program in Gros Morne is loaded with seedlings – which will soon be making journeys to sites through out the parish, and beyond. Several agencies in Gros Morne have committed to planting 500,000 trees this year! The nursery in Grepin – which many of you support – will be responsible for 100,000 of these trees. Almost half of this is evident in these two pictures.

Eurodad Report on G-8 debt deal

The following summary of Eurodad report on G-8 debt relief initiative two years after it was announced is forwarded from Jubilee USA . In the full report, pages 11-12 have some great detail on the Inter-American Development Bank cancellation announced in March of this year, and page 13 has some more specific details on Haiti. All worth a read.. Full report: Report: Multilateral debt: one step forward, how many back?Summary Eurodad scrutinises the G8 debt deal 2 years-on

House Resolution 241 Reaches 41 Co-sponsors

H. Res 241 – a resolution calling for Haiti’s debts to the World Bank, IMF and Inter-American Development Bank to be cancelled immediately has reached 41 co-sponsors! But we still need more. We are calling for a national call ni day to Congress on Friday- which coresponds to Haiti’s flag day. The following members of Congress co-sponsored the same resolution last year -but have not yet co-sponsored this new one. They should be on board. So, if you live in their district, give them a call!: Capital Switchboard 202-224-3121Rep Cummings, Elijah E. [MD-7]